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- Tables and Boxes
List of tables
- Table 4.1: Impacts of agricultural and economic growth in Ethiopia
- Table 5.1: Returns to work in different sectors and functions (US$ per full-time equivalent)
- Table 5.2: Nutrients lost through food loss and waste
- Figure 9.3: Illustration of how priority actions may differ across contexts and domains, but still lead to desired cumulative outcomes
- Table 8.1: Illustration of political and technical considerations associated with interventions supporting improved intake of vitamins and minerals in LMICs.
- Table 8.2: Food system supply-side and demand-side technical and economic mitigation potentials
List of boxes
- Box 1.1: What is a healthy diet?
- Box 1.2: Defining sustainable food systems
- Box 2.1: Today’s burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
- Box 3.1: Sustainable food systems and planetary boundaries
- Box 3.2: Past agricultural production and crop yield developments
- Box 3.3: The coronavirus pandemic: safeguarding food systems and nutrition
- Box 4.1: Limitations in how we typically interpret the functions of agriculture
- Box 4.2: Food and agricultural policies affect what foods are available
- Box 4.3: Core elements of transformed food systems
- Box 4.4: Farm production diversity and dietary diversity among smallholders
- Box 4.5: New technologies to support sustainable food production
- Box 4.6: How feasible is it to invest beyond farm and trade policies to achieve healthy diets?
- Box 4.7: Forms of agricultural production subsidies
- Box 4.8: Scenarios for rebalancing subsidies: preliminary insights from modelling scenarios
- Box 4.9: Seed systems research: a target for reform in Africa
- Box 4.10: Ethiopia: a particular success story
- Box 4.11: Pathways to multiple ‘wins’: Great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel
- Box 5.1: Food trade and protectionism
- Box 5.2: Pathways to multiple wins: reducing food loss and waste
- Box 6.1: COVID-19 and the economic downturn
- Box 6.2: Ehsaas Emergency Cash: a digital solution to protect the vulnerable during the COVID-19 crisis in Pakistan
- Box 6.3: What do we know about affordable diets? The case of Chile
- Box 6.4: Pathways to multiple ‘wins’: sustainable development of China’s Loess Plateau
- Box 7.1: In-store marketing practices for adults and children
- Box 7.2: Consumer Sovereignty
- Box 7.3: FBDGs – the next generation
- Box 7.4: The dietary shift from meat to plant-based foods
- Box 7.5: Incentives for food companies to change behaviour
- Box 7.6: Ethical considerations
- Box 8.1: Calls for a transformation of how we produce and consume food are growing
- Box 8.2: Government capacity constraints in the face of human and planetary health risks
- Box 8.3: A checklist for analysing trade-offs
- Box 8.4: Initiatives that can support the goal of sustainable, healthy diets
- Box 8.5: Outline of future food system scenarios
- Box 9.1: Improved support for policy decisions: key tasks and functions of improved science and evidence mechanisms
- Box 9.2: Ten priorities for transitioning food systems to protect human and planetary health