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- Chapter 3 Diets and the planet: an unsustainable relationship
Key messages
Humanity is facing an unparalleled crisis relating to the planet’s health. This is in addition to the policy challenges posed by the ongoing human health crisis linked to poor diets., and strengthens further the case for urgent reform of food systems.
Planetary and dietary crises are fundamentally inter-linked and must be addressed in a coordinated way. The climate crisis, soil degradation, rising ocean levels, biodiversity loss, pollution of air, water and land, and depletion of freshwater resources all pose risks to, and are partly driven by, the way food systems work.
Climate change, in particular, will influence the quality and quantity of food which can be produced and our ability to distribute it equitably. Climate change and a compromised natural environment threaten food production due to drought, flooding, desertification, or any number of unseasonal climatic anomalies. If more than one environmental effect occurs at the same time, the risks are amplified. Climate change is already having significant impacts on agricultural production.
There is also a real risk of rapidly escalating humanitarian need. This could lead to a projected doubling in the number of people requiring aid from around 110 million in 2018 to over 200 million by 2050. This will push humanitarian funding requirements after climate-related disasters to US$20 billion annually by 2030.
The most severe economic and food system impacts on crop yields and fisheries will be borne disproportionately by low-income countries. The reliance of many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) on food imports is also at risk from simultaneous harvest failures in breadbasket countries, leading to potential supply constraints and food price increases on global markets.
At the same time, the global food system is transgressing multiple planetary boundaries and may be a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, producing up to 30% of global GHGs. It is essential that the global food system be transformed alongside changes in the energy industry and other sectors, if critical targets such as keeping the average global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees are to be met.
The environmental costs of food systems are strongly affected both by agricultural inefficiencies that permeate food systems, and also by dietary choices around the world.
In the case of the latter, animal-sourced foods in particular, generally require high inputs in terms of land and feed quality, generate relatively high GHG emissions, and are one of the major contributors to natural resource degradation.
The coronavirus pandemic offers an important opportunity for all countries to assess the links between dietary choices and health outcomes. It has caused multiple shocks simultaneously throughout the global food system.
Three urgent priorities to mitigate these effects are:
1.Ensure that nutritional needs of all citizens are met.
2.Protect, enhance, and buffer stakeholders across entire food value chains.
3.Invest in local food systems so that they are more resilient to shocks of all kinds, and able to deliver sustainable, healthy diets to 9.5 billion people.
It is essential that policymakers address these multiple, inter-linked crises by transforming food systems, but they are in an increasingly constrained operating space. This is partly because of existing shifts in dietary patterns that may not be aligned with improving diet quality and sustainability. Also constraining are the headwinds generated by climate change, and a host of non-food factors affecting water and land scarcity, pollution, and biodiversity loss – all of which threaten the quality and quantity of the food which can produced.
Moving forward, a key aim should also be to reverse the ‘vicious’ cycles which currently operate between the food system and the environment. It is possible to promote both human and planetary health simultaneously, through actions discussed in detail in Part II of this report –influencing dietary choices and technology adoption being particularly important.
A transformed food system would be able to feed a projected future population of almost 10 billion. Continuing with the current food system would only allow one third of this total to be fed.
As if the policy challenges posed by our growing diet-related health crisis were not enough, humanity also faces a second crisis deriving from the planet’s ill-health. Climate change, soil degradation, rising ocean levels, biodiversity loss, pollution of air, water and land, and depletion of freshwater resources all pose risks to, and are significantly impacted by, the way our food systems work. Policymakers are therefore faced with a complex challenge: how to increase the supply of diverse and safe nutrient-rich foods which are affordable and desirable to all, but in ways that are sustainable.
There are many known, innovative, and emerging technologies to be explored, from production (scaled up integrated pest management, agroforestry designed to include carbon sequestration, a focus on output of nuts and seeds for enhanced diets, and cost-effective conservation agriculture that enhances the use and protection of natural resources) through processing (enhanced food processing and packaging).
The food system is complex and dynamic, composed of many interlocking sub-systems across agricultural production, markets and trade, retail, and consumer demand and purchasing power. 1
Besides those components which relate to human health, there are also key economic, political and social dimensions to food.
In addition, there are the environmental systems which support the global food supply, and which are the focus of this chapter. These systems are also the focus of current planet-wide concerns about issues such as the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and natural resource degradation. Diets must be viewed as the end point of the food system (what people eat or throw away as waste), but the diets that people want can also act as a major driver of how the food system responds.
What individuals eat and what farmers produce are both heavily influenced by interactions between prices and incomes, opportunity costs of time (for shopping, food preparation and cooking – particularly for women), access to established and promising technologies, effective information flows, market access, and cultural norms. This chapter explores the diet-environment links, particularly the negative impacts of current food production, food processing and consumption patterns on diverse dimensions of what can broadly be called ‘the environment’. 2 It also considers how the deteriorating state of the planet’s environmental systems threaten the effective functioning of food systems (see Box 3.1 for a full explanation of what is meant by ‘sustainable food systems’ in this report). This assessment sets up the deeper elaboration, in Part Two of this report, of key actions needed across the global food system to manage a transition toward a transformed food system which generates positive outcomes for human health and the environment, rather than negative ones.
Box 3.1: Sustainable food systems and planetary boundaries
For the purposes of this report, the term ‘sustainable food system’ is used if the contribution of any food system (which delivers locally produced but also imported and marketed foods) can be continued without undermining the ability of the natural environment to function in the long term. In other words, the system does not drive biodiversity loss, pollution, soil degradation, or climate change. If the system can sustain the production and distribution of the diversity, quantity and quality of foods needed to support healthy diets for all, then a win-win has been achieved (see Box 1.1).
The Global Panel’s premise of “maintaining the food system within planetary boundaries" 3 4 assumes that there is a range of environmental and biophysical thresholds below which the planet can maintain environmental integrity, but above which it cannot. While these thresholds apply globally, their impacts manifest locally. In other words, a sustainable food system is one that can continue without undermining the ability of the natural environment to function. For LMICs, sustainability represents a development agenda, not just a few actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Food systems are non-linear in that they incorporate feedback loops, direct and indirect, with positive and negative effects. All activities across the food system – whether production, processing, retail, or food preparation – have impacts on the environment. Processing, transport, and retail require energy, water, roads, and other inputs such as packaging. Pollution comes from chemical usage and disposal (e.g. from fertilisers, pesticides, industrial processes, and through greenhouse gas emissions), as well as from disposal of plastics and other packaging.
Planetary boundaries include limits in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (and climate change), bio-geochemical cycles (particularly nitrogen and phosphate), loss of biodiversity and arable land, the acidification of the oceans, atmospheric aerosol loading, and so on. The global food system must be seen as ‘unsustainable’ if it contributes significantly to crossing one or all of these planetary boundaries, but ‘sustainable’ if it enables these thresholds not to be crossed. 5 6 7 8
3.1 Negative feedback loops between diets and environment
Different food commodities put very different demands on the earth’s natural systems depending on how and where they are produced. This means dietary patterns in one country versus another have very different implications in terms of GHGs and natural resource degradation. A recent study sets out the very different ‘environmental footprints’ of different foods depending on the outcomes measured (see Figure 3.1). 9 For example, animal products (meat, eggs, dairy, or fish) contribute the highest amount of GHGs, and this is projected to increase almost two-fold by 2050. On the other hand, production of staple foods requires large quantities of land and water usage, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus application.
It is also becoming clearer that different production techniques have different environmental impacts for the same type of food (i.e. the impact of the food-ecosystem relationship is not static but can change if certain products are produced differently). For example, the environmental impacts of aquaculture depend on “the species, and increasingly the strain, farmed due to varying feed requirements, differences in growing method, production intensity, input sourcing, and farm management practices”. 10
The same may well be true of various processing approaches, product innovations and novel technologies used along the value chain after production, but there is as yet limited empirical evidence of such potential gains.
A key question therefore arises: by encouraging shifts in diet composition (i.e. the foods that individuals include in their diets), and adopting alternative approaches to producing, processing and transporting foods, is it possible to improve human health and the sustainability of food systems simultaneously?
It is not just individual foods that matter, but how foods are used together to make up a dietary pattern. Different forms of diets, in diverse geographies, have quite different implications in terms of resource and climate impacts according to their water and soil nutrient usage under prevailing production practices (see Figure 3.2). 12
For example, one study modelled the GHG and water footprint impacts of various diets for 151 countries (see Figure 3.3).
It showed that dietary choices vary considerably across countries, largely due to prevailing farm technologies, agriculture-led deforestation, and the intensity of farmed aquaculture. Importantly, diets that included animal products in one meal each day produced fewer GHG-emissions than vegetarian diets (which allow dairy and eggs but no meat at all). This was because of the GHG-intensity and water demands of dairy production. These results demonstrate the importance of taking a nuanced approach to keeping emissions to a minimum. 13 This study also reported that the increased farm production that would be needed to ensure minimum intakes of calories and protein among today’s chronically undernourished people would result in net increases in GHG and water footprints that would need to be factored into sustainability targets.
The diet-related social cost of greenhouse gas emissions associated with current dietary patterns is estimated to be more than US$1.7 trillion per year by 2030
Dietary patterns also have positive or negative feedback loops in terms of environmental impacts throughout the food system and dietary choice influences the strength of those feedback loops (see Figure 3.4). When there is dysfunction in both environmental and food systems, negative feedback loops can create interlocking vicious circles. For example, certain modes of agricultural intensification can result in soil depletion, which causes a decline in yields, driving up the need for yet further intensification. Similarly, monocropping can exacerbate biodiversity loss relating, for example, to pollinators. 17 The consequential reductions in yield can then encourage further intensification, with for example, increasing emphasis on monocropping. These illustrations show how understanding these feedback loops is essential to identifying effective intervention points for policy and business interventions.
Investment in increasing agricultural productivity, coupled with competition for commodities through the liberalisation of trade, has long been the central pillar of strategies aimed at feeding people at least cost. 18 The reduction of food prices has two nominal public goods outcomes:
- it increases the availability and economic access to food, and therefore contributes to food security (locally and globally); and
- by reducing the share of household spending on food, income is freed up for consumption growth in other goods and services which fuels economic activity in other sectors.
However, as rising incomes do not automatically improve the quality of diets (see Section 2.4), increasing food supply and reducing food prices through conventional approaches comes with unintended consequences (see Figure 3.4). A drive towards productivity leads to increasing the intensity and scale of land use, with consequences for soils, air and water quality, appropriation of water and biodiversity loss. The benefits of global markets, and reliance on competitive advantage that rewards economies of scale geared towards monocropping, has led to a global concentration of food into a handful of commodity crops, grown in a few breadbasket regions, traded by a small number of global companies. Grain is sufficiently cheap that large volumes are allocated as livestock feed, supporting growth in the global stock.
As prices reduce, more food is often wasted, creating additional environmental issues. And, as per capita availability of food, including meat, increases, the GHG emissions from the food system (including the impact of deforestation to produce more commodity crops) increases (now around 30% of total human emissions), driving climate change. Climate change then negatively affects yields and their nutritional quality, creating further pressures to intensify by way of compensation, or to expand land use to produce more food, feed, and fibre. Furthermore, as emissions grow, there is a growing need for land-based mitigation, including biomass production for biomass, energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) or afforestation. Thus, by driving climate change, consumption growth drives competition for land, as well as reducing the efficacy of agriculture.
Recent research suggests that the current global food system may already be transgressing multiple planetary boundaries relating to climate change, soil degradation, rising ocean levels, biodiversity loss, pollution of air, water and land, and depletion of freshwater resources. Without changing our food system (i.e. maintaining ‘business as usual’ production, but making the planetary boundaries real constraints), there would only be enough food for about 44% of the current population (3.4 billion people). However, estimates indicate that a transformed food system that was efficient and minimised waste could sustain over 10 billion people and still operate within planetary boundaries. 19
The GHGs and other environmental and climate impacts of dietary choice can be traced directly through to individual types of foods. The link between household diets and environmental impacts has been illustrated by a study in the United States which showed that those households which generated the highest levels of greenhouse gas emissions through their dietary choices, spent a “significantly larger share of their food budget on protein foods” (i.e. meat and dairy products) than households with the lowest levels of emissions. 20
Consumer choice can therefore play a key role in reducing negative impacts on particular natural resources and on the climate, by influencing demand for foods with different environmental footprints. For example, influencing demand for ruminant meat can affect GHGs, and the same applies to monocropping-grown staples and their impact on biodiversity, or the ways in which fish are caught in the oceans, or how fruit is produced (in terms of water uptake).
What, then, are the characteristics of an efficient and low-waste food system which could operate within planetary boundaries while providing healthy diets for all?
This key question is addressed in the remainder of this chapter, while the later chapters in Part II of the report turn their attention to the specific actions needed to realise this goal.
3.2 The impacts of diets and food systems on climate and natural resources
Two important factors influence the environmental costs of food systems. The first is already well recognised and concerns the many inefficiencies that permeate food systems, including: loss and waste through the food chain, from production through to consumption; inappropriate farming practices and soil management; and inefficient use of agricultural inputs, such as fresh water and pesticides.
But this report also highlights a second factor: the dietary choices made in LMICs as well as in high-income countries (HICs). Consumption patterns around the world largely drive the kinds of food and products produced, the number and type of animals that are raised, and the fish that are harvested from the oceans or farmed in ponds on land. Since each of these has a different environmental footprint, our dietary choices profoundly affect the environment. Thus, both human and planetary health depend in part on our dietary choices.
From a dietary point of view, there are three universal challenges: obesity, undernutrition and climate change
The agriculture sector is not the only human sector of activity responsible for natural resource degradation and harmful emissions. As noted, agricultural practices (all farming activities, including livestock production and associated land use activities) are thought to contribute roughly a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. When production is coupled with pre-planting activities (such as industrial production of fertiliser) and post- harvest operations (including down-stream activities in food transportation, processing, storage, retail, and reduced food loss and waste), global emissions due to food system functions are estimated at a third of the total (roughly 25% from agriculture and the rest from down-stream activities of the food system. 22
Given this important contribution, reducing the impact of agriculture and attendant food system functions will be crucially important to global climate change goals, namely keeping warming to below 1.5C. That goal was set before more recent studies suggested that a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide from pre-industrial levels has a 66% chance of heating the planet by at least 2.6C, and possibly as high as 3.9C. 25 The baseline level in pre-industrial times was 280 parts per million (ppm); by May 2020 it had risen to 417 ppm. In other words, the urgency of taking action to minimise future emissions and warming cannot be emphasised enough. And emissions reductions will only be achieved if changes are made across the food system alongside changes made in the energy, industry and other emitting sectors. 26
The long-term viability of food systems depends on the transformative change that can mitigate the negative impacts of the climate crisis as well as those associated with natural resource degradation. There are many multi-directional links among climate, weather patterns, natural disasters, and resource availability, on the one side, and the food systems influenced by dietary patterns, on the other. The following section explores a selection of critical feedback loops to highlight the scale of the challenges faced.
The rest of Section 3.2 considers the extent to which agriculture impacts climate and natural resources. Section 3.3 then discusses how climate and loss of natural resources impact food system functions.
3.2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the food system is responsible for roughly 28% of GHGs 27 (see Figure 3.5). According to the IPCC, between 2007 and 2016, within the global food system, agriculture emitted on average 6.2±1.4 Gt of CO2eq yearly (of which two-thirds comes from methane and one-third from nitrous oxide (NOx) compounds). 28 Most of the CO2 was emitted from clearing land to expand agriculture, with slightly less emitted from other food-related sectors (e.g. the manufacture of inorganic inputs, transport, manufacturing, processing, and retail of food). In total, the food system emits approximately 14.7 (likely range 10.7-19.1) Gt of CO2 equivalent, against a global emission of 52.0 Gt, equivalent to about 28% (as suggested by other analyses). 29
Diets are the main determinant of GHG emissions.
Rising food demand has led to farm expansion at a rate of 10 million hectare (ha) per year for the last decade, including rainforest clearance, which creates emissions from land-use change. 31 Also, besides carbon dioxide there are other significant GHG emissions to be concerned about because of their atmospheric effects, including nitrous oxide from fertilisers (synthetic and manure), and methane. 32
There has been a significant rise in atmospheric methane since 2000, with the highest ever levels recorded in 2017. 33 Importantly, it is estimated that agriculture and food waste contributed 60% of the increase in methane, fossil fuels contributed much of the remaining 40%, and that the largest increases were seen in these world regions: Africa and the Middle East, then China, and South Asia and Oceania. 34 Significant quantities of methane are produced when paddy fields are flooded for rice due to their soils becoming anaerobic, and by ruminants (less so from pigs and poultry), which further illustrates how diet patterns influence the environmental footprint, and therefore sustainability, of food systems. 35This growing problem also highlights the fact that food system actions must be prioritised in tropical low- and middle-income countries, not just in high- income countries lying in temperate geographies. 36
The food system causes emissions which are approximately equal to all personal travel (including domestic car and aircraft journeys), all lighting, heating and air conditioning, and all washing machines. 37 On an aggregate basis, nearly half of the emissions from agri-food are related to the livestock sector. 38
Governments around the world are challenged by a vicious cycle: the global food system generates GHGs which contribute significantly to climate change, which in turn impacts the food system. Climate change may adversely affect crop yields and the nutrient content of some crop varieties (especially through higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as higher night-time average temperatures), especially in the middle latitudes (see Section 3.3). Reductions in yields then lead to more land required for agriculture, or more intensification to compensate, in turn driving climate change.
3.2.2 Land use and misuse
In 2014, roughly five billion hectares of the world’s land was used for agriculture, equivalent to around 38% of the total land area. 39 While there is a “looming land shortage” 40 globally (in terms of productive land needed to meet projected food needs based on current patterns of demand), there is some scope for the expansion of food production. However, the extent to which this is possible is contested due to differing views on the value of land for other purposes, most notably climate change mitigation and the generation of non-food crops such as bioenergy, alcohol, textiles, and the manufacture of commodities and materials. 41 Most additional land for expansion will require deforestation, resulting in substantial costs to the climate and the environment. 42
The single greatest cause of extinction risk is the habitat destruction that occurs when new cropland and pasture are created.
The limited availability of ‘new’ land, the cost of converting forests to agricultural land for agriculture, and increasing competition for land, have all led many commentators to assume (implicitly or explicitly) that the land footprint of agriculture is unlikely to change. 44 For example, a recent in-depth analysis of the scope for agricultural expansion concluded: 45
…first that there is substantially less potential additional cropland than
is generally assumed once constraints and trade-offs are taken into account, and secondly that converting land is always associated with significant social and ecological costs. Future expansion of agricultural production will encounter a complex landscape of competing demands and trade-offs.
In other words, to ensure production meets anticipated needs that mirror past trends, the emphasis will have to be on increasing overall system efficiency leading to higher yields from available land through intensification (see Box 3.2). The choice of food (or other agricultural commodity) produced on a given area of land also needs careful consideration, because this can also affect the land carbon footprint, as well as the quantity of calories and diverse nutrients produced overall (see Section 3.1).
Box 3.2: Past agricultural production and crop yield developments
Global agricultural output has risen enormously since the 1960s. From 1961-2005, the world’s population increased more than two-fold while cereal production rose nearly 2.5-fold (see Figure 3.6b), and meat production 3.6-fold. 47 During that same period, the number of livestock increased four-fold (from seven billion to 28 billion, mainly through more chickens – see Figure 3.6c). 48 The rate of growth in cereals output was faster in low- and middle-income countries than in high-income settings.
As the land used for agriculture increased only by around 10% globally during that period (see Figure 3.6a), the output-growth rose primarily through intensification with a five-fold increase in fertiliser use from 1961-2014 and a 3.5-fold increase in pesticide usage from the mid-1980s (see Figure 3.6d). Intensification arises from a range of factors including new varieties bred for increased yield, density of planting, mechanisation and
scale, use of inputs (fertiliser, pesticides, liming of soils, concentrated nutrition for livestock, antimicrobials in the livestock sector), and irrigation technologies.
The intensification of agriculture has not been uniform across the globe, reflecting variable access to inputs, technologies, and markets. One way of expressing the productivity of agriculture is by the size of the gap between the best achievable yield and that achieved in a given place. This ‘yield gap’ (see Figure 3.7) reflects factors related to technology (including genetics, inputs, weed control, management, harvesting, water management etc.). Improving productivity has two potential components: raising the achievable yield (the ‘yield ceiling’) and closing the yield gap. In many parts of the world, the yield gap is substantial. However, there are interventions in LMICs that offer insight into how yield gaps can be reduced or closed. 49
To sustain further yield gains will likely require fine-tuning many different factors in the field: better understanding of genetic potential, improving soil quality, relaxing biotechnology regulation and improving the sustainability of cropping systems.
Box 3.2 continued
One way to increase efficiency is via economies of scale, which also lead to concentration of production in areas that support the scale – the ‘breadbaskets’. From a farming perspective, large-scale operations create efficiency, but they also create homogeneity and therefore increase the risk of pests and diseases. For example, the World Organisation for Animal Health has estimated that 20% of global livestock production is lost to animal diseases (at US$300 billion per year), while the World Bank puts the economic losses caused by just six international incidents of animal disease in the first decade of the 21st century at US$80 billion. 53 Animal diseases can also affect humans: over 60% of human diseases originate in animals and the expansion and globalisation of livestock agriculture creates risks of newly emerging diseases. 54
The need for careful consideration of how national agriculture, trade and price policies influence what is grown where and how are particularly pressing for LMICs in semi-arid or mountainous regions, many of which are structurally in food deficit. Spreading agriculture into marginal or forested lands and/or pursuing unsustainable intensification are short-term solutions with only short-term gain, but they carry long-term threats to the natural resource base and to the climate. Indeed, soils need to be treated and managed as a scarce and fragile non-renewable resource. For example, across China the yield penalty due to soil degradation varies from 4-25% in different areas. 55 Nutrient depletion and broader organic loss (including carbon, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorous) occurs through leaching, over-intensification, and uptake by crops without adequate replacement by manure and/or fertiliser. Rising temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations may deplete the density of certain micronutrients in some grain crops, which would have important implications in LMICs where those effects would be most felt and where the affected crops play a significant role in local food systems. 56
In resource-constrained contexts there are large benefits to be had from supporting new technology adoption, working with regional and donor partners to boost investment in value chain innovations, and consciously shaping incentives for commercial activities which support enhanced efficiency of activities across the entire food system rather than relying on traditional supply- side maximisation strategies.
3.2.3 Loss of biodiversity
The scale and intensity of agriculture in many countries creates homogenous landscapes and reduces non-cropped areas for wildlife habitats, with a major impact on biodiversity. 57 Agricultural inputs are also important: for example, recent studies highlight the potential role of neonicotinoid pesticides in the recent declines of honey bee and wild bee populations. 58 The loss of biodiversity from land-use change is also significant, including forest loss driven by market demand for livestock and its feed (soya) or for plantation-based palm oil.
Already the population sizes of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish have declined by over 50% since 1970, and an estimated one million species now face extinction, many within decades. 59
On average across the world, species diversity is estimated to have declined by 14% and total abundance by around 11% compared with estimates modelled without human activity (see Figure 3.8). The economic costs of biodiversity loss are massive: the global annual loss of pollinating insects alone is estimated to cost US$235-577 billion. 60 Equally important is the growing realisation that biodiversity loss linked to resource depletion and climate change will increase the negative impacts of both over time, and that diet quality may well suffer as a result of lost agroforestry, aquatic and other biospheres.
3.2.4 Loss of pollinators
A study using data from 200 countries found that fruit, vegetable or seed production for 87 of the leading global food crops depends on pollinators, and that 35% of global calorie supply derives from pollinator-dependent crops. 61 The loss of pollination services also affects global health because pollinator- dependent crops contribute a disproportionate share of critical micronutrients in the diet, including vitamin A, folate, calcium, and many others. 62
Dietary patterns modelled across the populations of 152 countries showed that a 50% reduction in pollination services could lead to 700,000 excess deaths annually from micronutrient deficiencies and increased mortality from heart disease, strokes, and certain cancers. 67 By experimentally increasing wild pollinator density and richness, investigators were able to close this yield gap by 24% on average. 68 These findings, replicated across many different crop systems and geographical regions, suggest that the globe is already suffering from a ‘pollinator gap’ that reduces the yields of nutritionally important food crops. Biodiversity also has a crucial role in enhancing crop yields through the effect of soil biodiversity on soil fertility, and the ‘natural enemies’ that control pests.
3.2.5 Water and air quality
Over recent decades, the impact of pollution from rainfall runoff carrying fertilisers (nitrates and phosphates), biocides and herbicides, and veterinary antibiotics, has become much more apparent. 69 These have an adverse effect on the natural aquatic environment. Toxic algal blooms are widespread in many rivers, including in LMICs (see Figure 3.9).
Poor management of land and soil increases sediment loads to rivers and reservoirs, reducing carrying and storage capacity, respectively. It also speeds up runoff, and increases flood risk, for example, by reducing vegetation cover and compacting soil. Low water retention in soils from intensive agriculture and loss of topsoil also reduces summer flows, and where compaction occurs, or hard pans are formed, groundwater recharge is reduced.
Antibiotics discharged from municipal wastewater treatment works, and excreted from treated livestock, are a growing threat and run the risk of increasing resistance in bacteria in the environment and transferring resistant genes to humans. For every person on the planet in 2016 (7.5 billion), FAOSTAT data indicates on average the use of 284g of active ingredients of pesticides. Excessive use of pesticides clearly has implications not only for biodiversity, but for contamination of land, water, and human health. Another area of growing concern is the use of antibiotics in livestock. 70 These are used as growth promoters and prophylactically for maintaining herd health in some intensive farming systems. The global usage of antibiotics in livestock farming in 2010 was 63,151 ± 1,560 tons, which is the same as 9g per person across the world: equivalent to a standard course of antibiotics. The use of antimicrobials in livestock production is projected to increase by 67% between 2010 and 2030, to 105,596 ± 3,605 tonnes. 71 This may contribute to emerging antimicrobial resistance, with huge implications for human disease treatments. 72
3.2.6 Aquatic food resources and the ocean environment
The warming of oceans associated with climate change is having important impacts not only on the viability of coral reefs, but on the stock and quality of many species of fish globally. 75 This has significant implications for the diets of many millions of people, as well as for the livelihoods of those involved in fish production or catch. Although climate effects are wide-ranging depending on location, water temperature and quality (especially acidification) are expected to cause significant changes in stock productivity, which will affect potential yields and profits. This will also affect the geographic distribution of that stock (which determines where fish can be caught and who can benefit from such catch).
Depending on the underlying assumptions of various climate models, between 40% and 91% of the stocks of some species could disappear (become extinct), even if other species would benefit and increase. 76
Today, 31% of commercially important assessed marine fish stocks worldwide are overfished... At risk are hundreds of millions of people who depend on fisheries
and aquaculture for their livelihoods,
food security and nutrition
One assessment of potential revenue loss in global fisheries associated with a high CO2 emission scenario suggests that revenues would drop 35% more than the projected decrease in catches even by 2050. 78 This would come on top of the falling catch and revenues already seen in recent decades. Wild catch of fish peaked in 1992 and has been falling by 1%/year on average ever since. Roughly 90% of monitored fisheries are being exploited up to, or beyond, maximum sustainable yields. 79 Warming ocean temperatures add an additional challenge, and are expected to drive smaller fish sizes, smaller fisheries, and significant migration of fisheries away from the tropics and toward the poles. 80 The loss of many nutrients (not just protein or omega 3 fatty acids) would be critical for large numbers of people in LMICs where so much production takes place. 81
3.3 Climate crisis and environmental impacts on food systems
Climate change and a compromised natural environment can result in a heightened threat to food production due to drought, floods, desertification, or any number of unseasonal climatic anomalies. Also, if more than one environmental effect occurs at the same time, the risks are amplified. 82 Climate change is already having significant impacts on agricultural production. 83 For example, some regions, mainly in the tropics and sub-tropics, continue to experience deteriorating land quality, loss of topsoil, loss of soil nutrients and loss of organic matter. The highest levels of land degradation are manifest in the lowest-income countries which already have relatively low agricultural productivity and are often chronically food-deficit countries (see Figure 3.7).
3.3.1 Climate change and food production
The world is not only recording global temperature increases – with dry areas getting drier and wet areas getting wetter – but local weather patterns and associated agroecological conditions are also changing. Extremes are becoming more extreme in many locations, causing increasingly unprecedented weather conditions, such as extreme heat, drought, rainfall and storm intensity, especially in LMICs.
As the climate crisis unfolds in coming decades, these factors will influence the yield and volatility of food production globally. 84 Figure 3.10 illustrates the possible effects on crop yields if 3C of warming were to occur. 85 A convergence of recent modelling suggests that “human-caused climate change will influence the quality and quantity of food we produce and our ability to distribute it equitably”. 86 There is a real risk of rapidly escalating humanitarian need, leading to a projected doubling in the number of people in need of aid from around 110 million in 2018 to over 200 million by 2050. Humanitarian funding requirements after climate-related disasters could increase from between US$3.5-12 billion to US$20 billion annually by 2030. 87
Climate change is already reshaping our food systems by redistributing crop and fishery potential and through extreme event disturbances.
These economic losses are manifest largely through impacts on agriculture and related food systems. For example, one meta-analysis considered more than 1,000 studies focusing on future productivity of wheat, maize, and rice under various climate change scenarios. It found that average yields would decline, particularly yields of wheat and maize, which were predicted to fall by 1-2% per decade. 89 This may be a realistic assessment given other recent research which looked back at the effects of changing climate on global agriculture since 1961; that work showed that anthropogenic climate change reduced productivity in agriculture by roughly 21% since the early 1960s, a slowdown that is equivalent to losing all of the productivity growth since 2011 up to the present day. 90 The conclusion is that agriculture has already grown more vulnerable to climate change, and that this will likely get worse in future.
While the negative effects of climate change will be felt all over the globe, the most severe economic and food system impacts will be borne disproportionately by people in low-income countries, particularly in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere subtropics which are “projected to experience the largest impacts on economic growth due to climate change”. 91 Indeed, the above study on past climate change impacts on productivity in agriculture 92 found those negative effects to be much more severe (a reduction of roughly one-third in productivity growth) in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. 93
Climate-driven reductions in fisheries production and alterations in fish-species composition will subsequently increase the vulnerability of tropical countries.
The disproportionate impacts on crop yields will be exacerbated by equally skewed impacts of ocean warming on fisheries, with steep reductions in wild-harvested fish projected in the tropics and increased fish catch closer to the poles. At the same time, many LMICs rely on food imports to meet local demand, but climate change is projected to increase the risk of multiple simultaneous harvest failures in breadbasket countries, which would lead to important supply constraints and food price hikes on global markets for which LMICs are ill-prepared. 95 Building the resilience of food systems in these contexts will be a key facet of national and global actions to ensure healthy diets for all.
A further study has estimated that such effects will broadly equate to 1% global GDP loss per year for each 1C increase in global temperatures, but with increasing economic impacts above a 3C rise. 97 Others have posited a range from less than 1% to over 5% GDP per annum losses depending on the scenario – although low-income countries suffer the most damaging outcomes in all models. 98 For example, reporting International Monetary Fund calculations, the World Meteorological Organization notes that a low-income country with an annual average temperature today of 25C will see a fall in national economic growth (Gross Domestic Product) of 1.2% for each 1C increase in temperature. 99
The mainly tropical and sub-tropical low-income countries whose economies are most likely to be significantly impacted in this way accounted for only 20% of global GDP in 2016; but these same countries are expected to be home to around 75% of the world’s population by the end of the century. 100 Similarly, FAO finds that LMICs in tropical areas would bear the brunt of climate impacts on crop yields, while HICs in temperate zones could benefit. 101
Resilience is more than just a buzz word; it has real implications for development and policy making
Hence the paradox “food production shifting to the poles just as food consumers are concentrating near the equators”. 103
3.3.2 Pests and pathogens
Warming temperatures will increase the winter survival of insect pests which impact crops and livestock, not just those directly affecting human health. 104
One modelling study suggests that rising population growth and metabolic rates among insect pests would increase yield losses of rice, maize, and wheat by 10-25% per degree Celsius of warming. 105
Changing temperatures will also shift the geographic range of crop pests and pathogens. Among 612 species of pests and pathogens, investigators have observed an average poleward shift of 2.7km per year since 1960. 106 Crops often lack defences against non-native pests and pathogens that are moving into their non-traditional agroecological range. Ongoing breeding and management efforts are therefore needed to address new threats.
An oft-ignored potential negative associated with climate change is the likely spread of food-borne diseases, including aflatoxins across the food supply. 107 While the World Health Organization notes that biological pathogens are the biggest drivers of food- borne disease, the significant role of aflatoxins in poor birth outcomes and impaired child growth in LMICs is only now being fully recognised through recent studies. 108
Aflatoxins are naturally occurring toxins which occur through mould growth on a wide range of food crops in the field or in storage, mainly in tropical countries. Consumed at high levels or for long periods of time, aflatoxins are known to be carcinogenic, but are now also acknowledged to contribute to undernutrition via babies being born small for their gestational age or stunted at birth. 109 The role of poor diet quality in exposure to aflatoxins is increasingly of concern to LMIC governments, such as Nepal. 110
Expected shifts in agroecological conditions associated with climate change are likely to increase the rates and coverage of contamination into temperate regions. For example, modelling of aflatoxin contamination in maize and wheat crops across Europe under a +2C and +5C climate change scenario has predicted that aflatoxin will become a food safety issue in maize in Europe, especially in the +2C scenario (which is the most probable scenario of climate change expected for the next few years) (see Figure 3.11).112 In tropical LMICs, where most consumers are already widely exposed to aflatoxins, the incidence of high intake with potential for increased acute public health crises are both likely to rise. 113
3.3.3 Emerging zoonotic diseases
Climate change, and changing land-use patterns, have been linked with the geographical expansion of zoonotic diseases (ones that affect human health but originate from wild animals), and the emergence new ones. 114 A long-standing estimate is that around 60% of emerging human pathogens have animal origin. 115 The complex interface of human-animal interactions that lead to zoonoses is strongly influenced by the effects of climate change 116 and the natural environment more generally. For example, increased risk of transmission of rodent-borne diseases has been identified in South-East Asia as a result of biodiversity loss and agricultural intensification. 117
At the same time, it has been argued that since climate change is a driver of shifts in agricultural systems across the Tropics, there is a real danger
that new emerging diseases will be “deadly in impoverished and immunosuppressed societies undergoing rapid growth in degraded environments”, as is found in much of sub-Saharan Africa. 118
The most notable recent global zoonotic disease outbreak has been COVID-19 (see Box 3.3). At the time of writing, the 2020 coronavirus pandemic continues to have significant repercussions for national and global food systems. While the coronavirus is only the latest zoonotic disease outbreak to cause havoc to the world’s economic outlook and to its food systems, its impacts have been far reaching. 119 Swine flu and bird flu pandemics in recent years were also linked to patterns of dietary choice and to weak regulations associated with wild meat hunting and sales, and food safety in open informal markets. 120 As such, the coronavirus experience offers an important opportunity for all countries to carefully assess the links between dietary choices (and the retail of live animals) and health outcomes. The renewed focus of attention on food system functions should include a critical rethinking of how such systems are designed and managed in relation to intended (and unintended) outcomes.
Box 3.3: The coronavirus pandemic: safeguarding food systems and nutrition
A sharp shock to food systems. Epidemics are not new, but the recent pandemic has been distinguished by its potential to cause multiple shocks simultaneously throughout the global food system. Governments closed down formal and informal retail outlets for food; the movement of agricultural workers was severely restricted; food processing, transport and trade have all been affected, and many people had access to food seriously impaired over weeks and months. The knock-on effects to diets and nutrition are of major concern, particularly for the nutritionally vulnerable. The many negative effects exposed the fragility of current food systems. In some countries, the reaction has been, as it was during the world food price crisis of 2007/08, to restrict or ban exports of foods, which disrupts trade and price signals and makes measured collaborative action aimed at keeping trade open very difficult. It is the poorest consumer who suffers most.
Three urgent priorities to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on food systems and diet quality are:
- Ensure that nutritional needs of all people are met. Social protection measures (e.g. cash transfers, small loans, voucher programmes and more) should be designed, funded, and implemented in ways that protect the poorest and most nutritionally vulnerable. All protection measures should seek to ensure that benefits are sufficient to allow for access to diets which include nutrient-rich fresh produce. Effective behaviour messaging is needed to promote exclusive breastfeeding and appropriate infant and young child feeding. Institutional and other in-kind feeding activities must include demand for adequate nutrient-rich foods (i.e. not just starchy staples or grains). People should be informed and encouraged to consume foods which are key to healthy diets, and to moderate intake of ultra-processed products and foods high in unhealthy fats, sugar, and salt. Tackling misinformation is important; governments should swiftly prosecute the purveyors of products falsely claiming protection against COVID-19, counter unproven claims that certain foods can treat the virus, and refute hoax claims that some fresh foods are implicated in its spread.
- Protect, enhance, and buffer stakeholders across entire food value chains. Farms, food transporters, traders, wholesalers, processors, and retailers are at risk of collapse across the food system. Rapid government and business interventions are needed to buffer demand, bolster food-related employment, open lines of credit to food-related small- and medium-enterprises (SMEs), use institutional procurement to avoid food loss and waste until markets are functional, and ensure the supply of agricultural inputs for the next production season. The food system has not broken down, but its functioning is damaged. Food sector SMEs in LMICs are particularly fragile and vulnerable to disruptions in markets and consumer spending. They need to be supported with access to loans, information, and digital technologies.
- Kick-start the transition and make food systems function better than before. Policymakers need an eye on the future, and life after the pandemic. Food systems must be financed and managed in ways that make them more resilient to shocks of all kinds, able to deliver healthy diets to 9.5 billion people in ways that are sustainable in the long run by being less damaging to the planet in the short and medium-term. Just like the coronavirus, climate threats, economic threats and natural resource shortages all cut across borders. So must the solutions to the linked crises of human health and planetary health. Trade in food must be made more friction-free, the public goods benefits of agricultural research and development (R&D) and technology innovation should be accessible to all, and the best science and lessons from practice must be openly accessed, discussed and applied regardless of geography.
This crisis presents an opportunity to better understand and intervene to correct the flashpoints that have made food systems buckle under pressure: inequities in purchasing power, limited physical access to healthy diets for millions of people, political impulses that lean towards traditional trade protectionism, supply chains susceptible to disruption, natural resource depletion making a supply response to higher prices difficult, and a lack of pre-existing social protection mechanisms designed to protect the diets of the poor. Now is the time to initiate steps in a transition towards sustainable, healthy diets.
3.4 From challenges to solutions
Policymakers are finding themselves in an increasingly constrained operating space defined by:
- Rapidly rising global demand for nutrient-rich diets;
- The need to sharply reduce the ecological impacts of producing these diets; and
- The headwinds generated by climate change, water and land scarcity, pollution, and biodiversity loss, all of which threaten the quality and quantity of the food that can be produced. Producing more nutrient-rich food with much greater efficiency becomes imperative.
A combination of dietary choices and food production approaches can together influence the quantity and type of emissions produced, as well as the environmental footprint in a given setting. Low efficiency in production systems coupled with a degrading production base leads to predictable negative outcomes: yield or productivity constraints; periodic large-scale losses of food harvest/output; depletion of natural resources with further acceleration of the degradation; potential impacts on the vitamin and mineral content of certain cultivars under conditions of higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; water acidification leading to loss of fish and other aquatic outputs, and more. 121 122 123
The first three chapters of this report (Part I) have spelled out the challenges and made the case for why appropriate public sector and commercial actions must be taken urgently for the sake of both human and planetary health. Part II of this report spells out what needs to be done. The following four chapters address four critical domains of the food system:
- Making more of the right foods available to support sustainable, healthy diets for all. This means being able to supply enough of the diversity of nutrient-rich foods that can populate diverse dietary patterns around the world (see
Chapter 4). As highlighted previously, insufficient nutrient-rich foods are currently produced globally to supply the needs of everyone today, let alone future demand.
- Making sustainable, healthy diets accessible to all. It is not enough for the world to produce enough food to provide healthy and sustainable diets for everyone. Those foods must also be accessible (within reach) of all citizens of all countries (see Chapter 5). That means that the physical distance between producers and consumers has to be overcome, nutrients have to be protected as they move through the food system, food loss and waste must be significantly reduced along all value chains, seasonality appropriately managed, and retail systems enhanced.
- Making sustainable, healthy diets affordable to all. Diets of a high quality are today unaffordable to many people around the world. Even minimally adequate diets (in nutrient terms) are out of reach economically for billions of people. The challenge is to make sustainable, healthy diets affordable to all (see Chapter 6). This requires a rebalancing of relative prices across foods, reducing the cost of delivering nutrient- rich foods to all markets (optimising efficiencies across the entire food chain), and increasing incomes and purchasing power, especially of the poor.
- Making nutrient-rich sustainably produced foods desirable. It is not enough to make sustainable, healthy diets available, accessible, and affordable. It is also important to promote and inspire the desirability of such a diet (see Chapter 7). People need to be persuaded to choose them. But if they do, consumers themselves can become a key driver of change through food systems, and across the commercial activities of food industry stakeholders.
These four sets of required actions are inter-linked to a greater or lesser degree, and actions in one domain must take account of actions and outcomes in the others. What is needed is an integrated and coherent approach for achieving these goals individually and collectively.
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